Saturday, September 14, 2013

My Weight-Loss Journey!

Hello there! I know I haven't posted on this blog in a longg while but hopefully i can change that soon and start posting at least 2X a week. (lets see how this goes lol)

MY WEIGHT LOSS JOURNEY has begun! Yes, it has. I can officially say I have been fighting this since the beginning of this year. I failed at least 3 diets i tried to start. Although i failed i sure did learn a bit from each one that i did.

On my 1st "diet trial" i learned how to let go sodas which was one my ultimate no no drink. It was just so convinent everywhere especially at my job. Slowly taking day by day it became easier. Till this day I can say I can be around so and not have the urge to reach for it! Water is my drink now. I drink at least a gallon a day.

On my 2nd "diet trial" I had to learn to stay and keep away from one of my favorite/unhealthy places to eat, McDONALD'S! Yes, that's right I'm a junky when it come to that place. I know its bad bla bla bla. So when hitting the drive thru EVERY OTHER DAY started to take a toll on my body I decided to quit! I now stay away from fast foods especially McDONALD'S and choose to stock up on healthy foods like fruits and nuts to snack on. Apples have slowly become a FAVORITE fruit of mine since starting back up in Aug. I thought I would never say that.

On my 3rd "diet trail" I had to learn consistency. Yes. For going to the gym. I had to push my self to go to the gym and burn my fat off.

4th time! - I am currently on my 4th diet of this year and I'm not gonna call it a "diet trial" because this time I'm motivated than ever to SUCCEED! My journey to better myself and lose this fat started Aug. 14 2013. Since Aug. 14 to now Sept. 14 (a month later) I have lost 18lbs +counting. I'm so proud I can see the change but I can't wait to see the final results and until I get to that moment I cannot and will not give up! If you are to determined to change for the better I wish you the same!

I will keep you guys updated on my progress each week! For motivation quotes follow me on IG:novmamii. (photos I get from google or fitness sites)
Other of my social media links on the side bar -->
That's all for now gotta give my lil one kisses before I go to work.

♥ marilyn liv

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