Tuesday, September 24, 2013


YES! I'm winning ladies, I can proudly now say I have reached my 20lb goal. I am beyond excited, motivated and more driven to not stop!

Since my last post my weight was at 177lbs. I am now at 175lbs and maintaining at this weight level. This means that i have lost 20lbs! Yay meee! I'm so glad that not only have i lost 20lbs to this day but STILL keep at 175lbs even if I'm not losing more weight any faster. Losing the weight is awesome! I love seeing the results of my hard work on my body but what is even more amazing is that I'm not gaining! That is a big PLUS.

I have been changing my workout routines, which I can see are helping me a whole bunch! Into the next month of October I will be doing 2x a day workouts 5/7 of the week to get faster results.

Now i wish i can say i don't have no cheats because that would be an absolute lie! I do allow to treat myself with something sweet. However, i have learned to keep it at just a small treat on my awesome work so far! I'm also getting really good with portion control now. Unlike before where i would have double or even triple portions! :/

I would also like to share with you some of my favorite snacks which include apples, and nuts like almonds and pistachios. Mmmm. Green tea is also a must along with WATER.

I have set some goals for my weight loss journey from the beginning. They are:

START = 195lbs

Aug. 14, 2013 - 10lbs
Sept. 14, 2013 - 10lbs
Oct. 14, 2013 - 15lbs
Nov. 14, 2013 - 15lbs
Dec. 14, 2013 - 10lbs
Jan. 14, 2013 - 5lbs
Feb. 14, 2013  - 130lbs - GOAL

TOTAL LOSS = 65lbs

So far so good! Gotta keep positive and motivated at all times even thru those rough patches! YOU want to start feeling good and change YOUR life for YOU!? What you waiting for?? If i can do it so can you! So get outta this page and screen and make your plan for a new you!

Before and After pics coming soon! -20lbs! :) HAPPY GAL RITE HERE!

See you soon don't forget to follow me on my social media. Links on the right ->>

Buenass Nochessss Everyone!

♥ marilyn liv

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