Sunday, September 29, 2013

Don't Throw in the Towel!

hello, there! good morning ladies! this is more of a status than a post today. i'm feeling great! i am going to be leaving for work in a few so i thought i would do a weight-loss update before i go.

weight-loss update- so far i've lost only a pound since my last update. i am currently on 174lb. however, i'm not giving up or throwing in the towel. i still have a long way to go. i also still maintain eating healthy which is IMPORTANT if your not hitting the gym 5/7 a week. i'm not go lie the last couple of day i've missed my workouts because i've been feeling lazy and looking for "excuses" to exempt me from going, but last night i HAD to find motivation on google or online to get my behind to the gym. i had to remember why i started and that it will be all worth it when i reach my goal! :)

that is all for my weight-loss journey update. i get off early today so maybe later i post about relationships. something that's been on my mind lately. maybe you can weigh in too.!

thanks all! much love

 marilyn liv

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